Friday, November 7, 2014
Public Service Announcement
I'm going to be honest with you....
Ever since I had this blog, I've been dying to post what's been on my mind, but I rarely do. There's always something coming to my mind that I feel is so profound it needs to be shared, but I never post it. I wondered "Why is that?!!?" Today, I found out why...
I value my mouth over my ears.
I am quick to speak and slow to listen.
I want my voice to be heard, while my actions are mere thoughts that never get to the execution phase.
I like to make profound statements that means absolutely nothing to the real struggling person.
I like give my opinion when it's not necessary or even wanted.
I like to give my remedy to the problem without actually being part of the solution.
I ask questions to which I already know the answers.
I mask criticism with false concern.
I judge motives.
I label.
I'm thankful.
I'm thankful that God put so many things in my way, that I didn't have time to dwell on, reveal, and validate these thoughts. Of course there have been several slip ups on Facebook and Twitter, but not as much as what it could've been, had I had the time. Thank God.
I'm saying all of this because I have to let go. I am letting go. Social media gets me so riled up and ready to defend and sometimes offend, that I forget there's a person on the other side who needs to be loved. Last year I would've responded to myself saying "You can love people and give em a piece of your mind too! I don't sugar-coat." While that thought tries to creep into my mind every now and then, I've learned that it's definitely possible, but highly unlikely. Love is patient, kind, not jealous, doesn't brag, isn't arrogant, doesn't act unbecomingly, isn't selfish, isn't provoked, doesn't remember past wrongs, doesn't rejoice in wrong doing, rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and it never fails. Most status posts, blog posts, tweets, etc are completely opposite of love, no matter how much I try to justify my "tough love" comments and remarks. There is another person on the other side that needs real love.
Now that I'm aware of these things, God will work to change me. (You know what they say, the first step is to come out of denial and admit the truth.) With the power of Jesus, I will be a blessing to others. I will focus on what's good and true. I will think about things that are pure and lovely. I will dwell on what's good in others. I will share uplifting thoughts rather than criticisms.
I want my ears and mouth to be tools for blessing others.
I want to be slow to speak and quick to listen.
I want my voice to be unnecessary, because my actions are doing all of the talking.
I want my profound statements to be from the Holy Spirit and help the struggling person.
I want my ideas and thoughts to be in harmony with Jesus'.
I want to only provide a solution when it can practically be delivered.
I want to ask real questions that give me a broader perspective so I'm able to love someone better.
I want to exonerate others.
I want to hope for the best.
I want to free people of the boxes in which I've put them.
I want to continue to be thankful.
This is my prayer, and I want you to pray for me too. I hope I don't regret saying this, but hold me accountable. Let me know when I slip up. We can grow together. None of us are perfect, but Jesus is and He can show off His perfect self through us! Thank you in advance for your prayers, and have a great night!
My Lesson: Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. (Eph 4:29) In all other matters, silence is eloquence.
-Marquitta J
P.S. I hope this means I can post more often! ^_^
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
I Can't Wait Til...
I see, me, Brandon, and Jessica trying to make a commercial; I see me and Karyn walking the streets of ATL and bumping into a man with a hula skirt and a cape; I see me and Essie trying to learn a dance routine from Youtube; I see me, Cortney, Tiffeny, April, and Kitty playing "American Idol" in April's living room;
I see Koren pretending to be a pregnant woman at Buffalo Wild Wings; I see me listening to Kie's outrageous stories for hours on a Sabbath afternoon; I see me and Erica walking down a dark street making up a song about "Love";
I see me dying with laughter while watching Rachel impersonate someone on the way back from Panda Express; I see me, Donnesha and Kam laughing non-stop at our girl's night; I see me and Brittany Burden cracking up at VVP practice while Comalita and Brittani teach us a dance routine; I see Danel and Kitty delivering April's baby while Jessica, Tiffeny and I narrate;
I see Ki'Yana sitting in a box pretending to be a news anchor; I see TJ dancing to High School Musical; I see me and Chanelle laughing at Tyra Banks singing "Be a Star!" I see me and Ashley (both introverts) walking from the White House with thousands of people around us with frost bitten fingers and toes;
P.S. The pink links throughout the post are videos ;)
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
#CIBR and Other News
- cibr is an acronym for the phrase "Can I be real?"
My friend and I started using the #cibr hashtag on Twitter last week for our unsugar-coated rants of realness. However, after two #cibr sessions, I realized I can't continue. I NEED MORE SPACE! 140 characters is definitely not enough room for a complete thought, so I've moved to my blog. I'll still post #cibr tweets, but no more rants. I also think it's a better way to post. I hate typos, but I commit that crime way too often, and deleting the entire tweet and reposting just isn't my preference.
I don't want my entire blog to be #cibr sessions, so for now it will obviously be tagged #cibr, and I'll also put a link up so you'll be able to find all of the #cibr sessions easily.
With this addition to "Everything Nice" I may have to change the name (which won't be a huge deal because the URL is, because by definition the word "nice" means "pleasant or agreeable" and to be 100% honest, most, if not all of what I say in these #cibr rants will neither be pleasant nor agreeable. You might agree, but there most definitely won't be universal agreement. If you have ideas for names, do tell! All things considered, comments are welcome, but disrespect and insolence will be deleted. Sorry! Not sorry! Disagreement is fine, but rudeness? Ain't nobody got time for that! #cibr sessions are for the purposes of debunking several popular ideologies and encouragement, and if you're offended say so; gracefully and respectfully. Thank you!
I'll have a few posts set up soon; there's been a lot on my mind! Until then...
-Marquitta J
Friday, April 4, 2014
His Word is Timeless and Changeless
"If the law could be changed, man might have been saved without the sacrifice of Christ; but the fact that it was necessary for Christ to give His life for the fallen race, proves that the law of God will not release the sinner from its claims upon him. It is demonstrated that the wages of sin is death. When Christ died, the destruction of Satan was made certain. But if the law was abolished at the cross, as many claim, then the agony and death of God's dear Son were endured only to give to Satan just what he asked; then the prince of evil triumphed, his charges against the divine government were sustained. The very fact that Christ bore the penalty of man's transgression is a mighty argument to all created intelligences that the law is changeless; that God is righteous, merciful, and self-denying; and that infinite justice and mercy unite in the administration of His government." -My girl, egw