- cibr is an acronym for the phrase "Can I be real?"
My friend and I started using the #cibr hashtag on Twitter last week for our unsugar-coated rants of realness. However, after two #cibr sessions, I realized I can't continue. I NEED MORE SPACE! 140 characters is definitely not enough room for a complete thought, so I've moved to my blog. I'll still post #cibr tweets, but no more rants. I also think it's a better way to post. I hate typos, but I commit that crime way too often, and deleting the entire tweet and reposting just isn't my preference.
I don't want my entire blog to be #cibr sessions, so for now it will obviously be tagged #cibr, and I'll also put a link up so you'll be able to find all of the #cibr sessions easily.
With this addition to "Everything Nice" I may have to change the name (which won't be a huge deal because the URL is marquittaj.blogspot.com), because by definition the word "nice" means "pleasant or agreeable" and to be 100% honest, most, if not all of what I say in these #cibr rants will neither be pleasant nor agreeable. You might agree, but there most definitely won't be universal agreement. If you have ideas for names, do tell! All things considered, comments are welcome, but disrespect and insolence will be deleted. Sorry! Not sorry! Disagreement is fine, but rudeness? Ain't nobody got time for that! #cibr sessions are for the purposes of debunking several popular ideologies and encouragement, and if you're offended say so; gracefully and respectfully. Thank you!
I'll have a few posts set up soon; there's been a lot on my mind! Until then...
-Marquitta J